26-08-22 - 26-08-22
Kohima, Nagaland, India


  • Start: 26-08-22
  • End: 26-08-22
  • Event Category Activities
August 26, 2022: To commemorate Women’s Equality Day, Women Cell KCK organised an Inter-Departmental Speech Competition on the topic “Is 33% Reservation for Women in ULB Compatible with the Naga Traditional and Customary Laws?”.
The First and Second positions were secured by Tokwang Konyak of 3rd sem, Education Dept and Arina Sangtam of 3rd sem, Pol. Science Dept respectively. Joel Solo of 1st sem, English Dept & Lhousazolie Zumu of 5th sem, Tenyidie Dept both secured the Third place.