Kohima College celebrates its annual “Winter Festival 2024”, organised by Skill Development Committee. The festival began with a ribbon-cutting ceremony by Dr Vitsosie Vupru, Principal, KCK. This year, the Committee kept to the spirit of both festivity as well as sustainability through reuse of materials for almost all decorations. Every KCK depts also hosted a stall selling items ranging from eateries to photo booths to pre-loved items to game booths etc. An Inter-Departmental Christmas-Tree Decoration Competition was initiated by the Committee, of which the winners were:
1. Dept. Of English (1st position)
2. Dept. Of Education (2nd position)
3. Dept. Of Commerce (3rd position)

2024-11-08 - 2024-11-08
- Start: 2024-11-08
- End: 2024-11-08
- Event Category Activities