Hyulo Tsela

General Secretary
B.A. 5th Semester, Roll No. 71, Sec B
Department of Political Science

Lhousazolie Zumu

Assistant General Secretary
B.A. 5th Semester, Roll No. 104, Sec C
Department of Tenyidie

Meribeni Lotha

Girls’ Welfare Secretary
B.A. 5th Semester, Roll No. 90, Sec B
Department of Political Science

Alino Achumi

Assistant Girls’ Welfare Secretary
B. Com 1st Semester, Roll 2
Department of Commerce

Tiasunep Longkumer

Literary & Magazine Secretary
B. Com 5th Semester, Roll No. 17
Department of Commerce

Neiphrezonuo Khana

Asst. Literary & Magazine Secretary
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 523
Department of Tenyidie

Ngushu Wanmai H Konyak

Games & Sports Secretary
B.A. 5th Semester, Roll No. 56, Sec A
Department of Education

Nuvekho Rhakho

Nuvekho Rhakho
Asst. Games & Sports Secretary
B.A. 3rd Semester, Roll No. 282, Sec C
Department of Political Science


Social & Cultural Secretary
B.A 3rd Semester, Roll No. 95, Sec A
Department of Sociology

Rotila Sangtam

Assistant Social & Cultural Secretary
B.A. 3rd Semester, Roll No. 327, Sec C
Department of History

Chutatu C Thupitor

Publicity & Information Secretary
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 155
Department of English


Benlo Kent

Class Representative
B.A. 5th Semester, Roll No. 135, Sec D
Department of Economics

Rebecca C Konyak

Class Representative
B.A 5th Semester, Roll No. 109, Sec A
Department of English

Sharon Kent

Class Representative
B.A. 3rd Semester, Roll No. 351, Sec D
Department of Economics

Khrieletuonuo Mere Kesiyie

Class Representative
B.A. 3rd Semester, Roll No. 143, Sec B
Department of History

Keneisanuo Kesitsu

Class Representative
B.A. 3rd Semester, Roll No. 115, Sec A
Department of Political Science

Tsuve Tetseo

Class Representative
B.A. 3rd Semester, Roll No. 408, Sec D
Department of Economics

Kikhosou Rume

Class Representative
B.A. 3rd Semester, Roll No. 156
Department of Political Science


Class Representative
B. Com, 3rd Semester, Roll No. 31
Department of Commerce

Nokshang C Konyak

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 280
Department of History


Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 287
Department of History

Keneisanuo Kesitsu

Class Representative
B.A. 3rd Semester. Roll No. 115, Sec A
Department of Political Science

Keduoneizo Metha

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 336
Department of Political Science

Zhasalie Metha

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 144
Department of Education

Kaiba T

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 335
Department of Political Science


Class Representative
B.A. 1th Semester, Roll No. 31
Department of Economics

Awipfe Katiry

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 413
Department of Sociology

Nzani N Kithan

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 194
Department of English

Tongrila Sangtam

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 473
Department of Sociology

Shikna Konyak

Class Representative
B.A. 1 th Semester, Roll No. 121
Department of Education

Atseizo Seyie

Class Representative
B.A. 1st Semester, Roll No. 487
Department of Tenyidie