
The Library is automated for its housekeeping operations and cataloguing of its holdings. The Library has a collection of approximately 15,000 Books on varied academic subjects. It also has a valuable collection of Reference books and Donated books. It maintains an exclusive section on the College’s Teachers Publications as well as a section on PhD Thesis. It subscribes to international and national Journals and Magazines as well as national Newspaper and local Newspapers. The Library is open on all working days from 9:00am to 3:30pm.

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OPAC: Members can access the Library’s catalogue of resources through the Online Public Access Catalogue OPAC which is the digital database of the resources held by the Library.
Book loan: books are loaned to members for a specified period of days
Reference service: members can access reference books and periodicals for reference within the Library
Archive depository: a collection of dated academic syllabi books are archived and which are loaned out too.
E-resources: hundreds of academic e-books can be accessed on-campus by registered users. Also remote access of e-resources on thousands of academic journals and books (NLIST) is available for registered users.
Computer/internet facility: well-equipped computer systems with internet are available for use by the students.
Reprography facility: library materials can be photocopied at nominal rate.
Reading room: a tranquil and well-lit reading room caters to the reading needs of the members

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Reading Room

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